Original post 20 February 2009

Two stories about Cornish pasties shattered.

Responding to a claim in the television program Coast, a letter in the West Briton says very firmly that Cornishwomen did not make their pasties with savoury ingredients at one end and dessert at the other. This has brought support from a further myth-busting letter saying that Cornish miners did not hold the pasty by the crimping to keep their dirty hands off the pasty, throwing away the crimping at the end.

I don’t know anything about the history of pasty composition and eating but I had heard the myths. Now I know – unless someone else writes.

Source: West Briton letters 12 and 19 February 2009

Additamentum 5 March 2009

Now pasty-tasting crisps.

And now in February 2011 this.
