20 April 2015

A project collating the excavated evidence for the rural settlement in Roman Britain: it began three years ago and the first part, rural settlement in England, has just been published with more to follow. Details are here.

You can access the list of forty three sites in Cornwall by putting Cornwall in the query search box: then download the text file. The result is a list of Cornwall sites in csv form (translatable into excel) and includes at the end two sites in Devon. The data given includes the type of fieldwork, who undertook it, and the grid reference. The sites are not necessarily Roman as such but rural settlements in Roman Britain.

An excellent project well presented. And free to access. Congratulations and thanks to the authors for their work.

Related post

Cornwall : discussed in the papers of the southwest seminar 19 June 2014

Archeology project in Cornwall 11 August 2011. A blog for this project is here.

The School of Archeology at Oxford University has set up a five year project to use aerial maps and databases of archeological artefacts from all over England to produce an online accessible resource about the history of the landscape of England. Details are here.

The English landscapes and identities project will go online in 2014 and cover the period 3500 BCE to Domesday 1086.

We shall, for example, be able to study continuities and changes in Cornwall’s landscape and access a mass of archeological information about the county. It will be an incredible resource.

See also: DUDLEY Peter et al Goon, hal, cliff and croft: the archaeology and landscape history of west Cornwall’s rough ground (2011) Historic Environment Service of Cornwall Council

And this story of presentday excavation at a cliff Bronze Age site at Gunwalloe on the Lizard.